Thursday, January 10, 2008

Changing the Name of the Lansing Community Micro-Enterprise Fund

The Lansing Community Micro-Enterprise Fund (LCMF) needs YOUR HELP!!! The board is currently looking to change the name of the organization to reflect the goals of the organization and we are looking for your help in picking the name. A little history is below for you to review and we have also picked three names. Which you can see to the right and now we are looking for a little feedback from YOU!!! With your help and feedback the Lansing Community Micro-Enterprise Fund will have a new look for 2008. Please take the quick survey to the right and help us pick a new name for the LCMF.

We would like to Thank you in advance for you help and our new name will be unveiled at the Silent Auction on Feb. 7th.

MISSION STATEMENT: to create opportunities for Mid-Michigan’s
entrepreneurs by offering business plan development and financial
literacy trainings, access to capital and networking opportunities.

The Lansing Community Micro-Enterprise Fund (LCMF) is a micro-enterprise assistance and loan fund program in Lansing, Michigan. It exists to facilitate the development of new and /or growing micro-enterprises, which are rooted in the low and moderate-income areas of the city of Lansing. A micro-enterprise is a small business with five employees
or less that requires $35,000 or less in initial capital. The overall goal of the LCMF is that its clients will become self-sufficient and capable of participating in the economic mainstream contributing to a stronger Lansing.
The LCMF was founded as a collaborative effort by the City of Lansing, Michigan State University’s Center for Urban Affairs, Lansing Neighborhood Associations, Lansing Community College’s Small Business Development Center, Catholic Charities, First of America (now National City), and Michigan National Bank (now Standard Federal). The Mayor of Lansing established a Community Investment Committee with representatives of the above organizations soon after taking office in January of 1994.